This message is from my Life Lessons folder. It is not a story about healing or relationships. It is about finding something that was needed. It is a reminder that there is no problem too big OR TOO SMALL to respond to the Law of Attraction.
I had just finished typing several pages of information for each of the seven members of my committee when I realized I didn’t have any paper clips to put the packets together. I didn’t want to drive all the way to the store just for paper clips, so I set the pages aside for the time being.
That afternoon, as I was out running errands, I kept reminding myself to buy some paper clips. I pulled into a parking space at the bank. As stepped out of my car, I looked down at the ground – and there was a paper clip! I smiled and said, “Well thank you God! That’s a start!”
I walked into the bank and went to the counter to fill out my deposit slip. There was a shiny second paperclip in plain sight. I went to the Teller’s window and – yes! – another paperclip! Now I knew that something special was taking place.
After the bank, I went to a community meeting. They were handing out several packets that were paper- clipped together, so I was able to glean a few more to add to my growing collection. By that evening, I had accumulated enough paper clips for all the packets I had prepared for my meeting the next day. I probably should have stopped at a store to buy some anyway, but I was so excited about this “gift” that I completely forgot.
Now, I really didn’t think there was a “God in the Sky” sprinkling down paper clips for me. Those clips could have been there for weeks, but I was not aware of them on my previous visits. They did not appear until I began thinking that I needed them. Some may call this event a coincidence. Others say the process is called “manifesting.” I have been researching the well-respected scientists and authors* who are delving into the science behind the Law of Attraction and the remarkable power of the mind to affect changes in the world around us. I believe that this power is an expression of what I call God, - energy working around me and through me. I am learning to access that power by consciously choosing the positive thoughts and feelings that correlate with what I want in my life. Developing awareness of what I am thinking, what I am doing, and how it affects others is my key to living in the miracle zone.
P.S. Here is an inspiring Postscript to this story: I emailed my daughter about my unusual “paper clip experience”. She replied that she loved the story and said that a short while after reading it, she found a paper clip on the floor in the office where she worked. She saved it and now we each have a paperclip taped to a cabinet above our desks to remind us of the serendipitous events that occur in our lives. How wonderful to know that neither time nor distance can limit this amazing Power of Attraction.
“Clues come in the form of coincidences – unusual and seemingly meaningless events that unfold in your everyday reality. Become sensitive to the clues of the Universe – and use those clues to turn your intentions into realities”. Deepak Chopra
“The source of everything is always there, all the time, just waiting for us to connect”.Oprah
“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear…Brian Tracy Self-development author.
Thank you very much for your wonderful story dear Bette!!! Reading your stories makes me feel always so good. You make me aware of that there is more going than we usually regognize with our five senses.
Thank you for making my days. I am looking forward to our next meeting.
Love and Hugs, Elke
Thanks, Bette, for your stories. You always amaze me with your positivity. IT works!