In February of 2012, I embarked on a wonderful journey to Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. I was interested in photographing not only the beautiful temples and scenery, but most of all, in focusing on the people. Three different countries, three different cultures, and yet I saw many ways we are the same.
I assembled many of those photographs into a narrated video entitled “The Holy Land – We Are One” and presented it at my Photography Club. I was pleasantly surprised by all the positive and emotional comments I received and began to think that perhaps this message needed to be shared. So, over the last ten years, I have shown it multiple times in assisted living homes, churches, and local groups.
And now, with the “miracle” of YouTube, I can share this video with all of my “Short and Sweet Spirituality” subscribers. The video is 23 minutes long. When the credits are rolling at the end, please listen closely to the words of that song. They epitomize the whole message of the video. Feel free to share “The Holy Land” and all my posts with your friends.
Some of my early subscribers may remember a post called “The Hidden Book” about my search for a Bible to take on my Holy Land trip. I have included the text below so that all current readers can see how this trip was “blessed” right from the beginning.
The Hidden Book
Theme: Searching, Manifesting, Gratitude
Our church was planning a wonderful trip to the Holy Land for October, 2011. I thought it would be interesting to bring a Bible for reference, but I wanted something small and light weight. I went to our local Goodwill Store where they had racks and racks of books shoved together in no particular order. I searched up and down the long rows without success. I finally said, “O.K. God, where am I supposed to go next?”
As I turned away, I spotted a book entitled “Where Miracles Happen.” I felt that would be good to read on the plane and began to tug it out of its spot. A book that had been lodged crossways on top of it fell out too. - - You guessed it – it was a small paperback copy of the New Testament.
Of all the hundreds of books in the Goodwill store that day, what were the chances that I would choose one which was hiding the very book I was looking for? And wasn’t it amazing that this particular Goodwill store actually became the place “Where Miracles Happen(ed)” for me that morning.?
Little “God Stories” like this have provided joy, peace, and guidance throughout my life. This astonishing event reassured me that I was going to have a safe and inspiring journey through the Holy Land. (And I did! 😀 )
Quote: “Like tiny atoms in a large galaxy, we are all part of an infinite web of existence. We are connected by the energy that flows through us and around us. We are all one with the universe. And the magic of life is in the connections we make.”
Ardis Mayo
Photos by Bette Ryan
I am not sure if the only miracle was in Goodwill or might it have also been in giving you eyes to see miracles wherever you go.