Have you ever thought about how FEAR can rob you of great opportunities or experiences? I have a friend who is afraid of flying and therefore is unable to get on a plane to see her grandchildren. She makes the long drive on rare occasions but unfortunately misses many family events.
What would you think about going on a hot air balloon ride? Some of you might love it! But what if you were afraid, and your friend talked you into it? Imagine this: It is a beautiful clear day. As you climb into the basket, you have a sick feeling in your stomach. Everyone else is smiling and laughing, anticipating a great adventure. The operator fires up the burner, and off you go! The rocking of the basket and the noise of the flames creating the lift increase your fear as you realize you are leaving the safety of planet Earth. So, what would you do? Would you grab the edge of the basket, squeeze your eyes shut, and just keep wishing it would be over soon? Meanwhile, your friend is joyously exclaiming about the vast landscape before him! How happy he is to be having this unique experience!
The strange thing was -- both of you were encountering the same “conditions“– the noises, the movement, the altitude – but each of you had opposite reactions. Your frightening experience was mainly taking place inside your head, and the resulting FEAR caused you to miss the opportunity to view the world from a new perspective.
What other events in our lives do we approach with fear - deciding to change jobs, singing Karaoke in public 😲, telling someone that you love them for the first time? Choosing to move forward with any of these events opens us up to some degree of risk, so how will we know if taking a chance will be worth it? When faced with a difficult decision, I try to calm my mind by Being Still, taking some deep breaths, and asking for Divine guidance. When self-generated panic thoughts are no longer controlling my mind, it becomes available to receive constructive solutions.
As I listen to that still small voice, I realize there is no reason to fear. My attitude becomes more confident and hopeful. I visualize my desired outcome, but I am willing to accept that the Universe can see “the big picture” and will provide opportunities for what is best for me. If a “worry thought” appears, I deflect it with a positive affirmation and then move on by directing my thoughts elsewhere. After all, I am the one thinking the thought – if I can’t control it, who can?
There is a popular saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it.’” As my faith and awareness grow, I realize ”I will see it when I believe it.” - Wayne W. Dyer
Try it. Be brave. We can open our minds to infinite possibilities. Try to take note of the times you feel that nudge. The Universe is speaking to you!
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King Jr.
“When an emotional circuit is triggered, and we reflexively respond with fear, anger, or hostility—it takes less than 90 seconds for the chemistry of that emotion to flood through us and then flush completely out of our bloodstream. - Of course, we can choose to rethink the thought…and stay hurt, angry or sad - restimulating the emotional circuit so it will run over and over again.” “Whole Brain Living” Jill Bolt Taylor, Ph. D
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.” Buddha
“Faith and fear cannot be friends - where one begins, the other ends. “ M. Brockinson, “Guideposts “
Photo by Bette Ryan
Hi, Betty. I so enjoy your posts. You offer your readers a new way of experiencing life, and since I try to do the same thing, I encourage you to keep on writing. I miss seeing all my writer friends in AZ. Hope all is well with you!
You understand emotions so very well. Trust in a greater good can help us breathe easier and
feel less worry and more peace. We need those good feelings during this terrible time of covid illness and world tension. Thank you.